Need temporary space in your home?

As the pandemic continues, and more people are working from home, how is your space situation? If your home is becoming crowded with work stuff, or just as the result of the family being around more often, you might like to create a little temporary room. This is where 5 Star Moving & Storage can…

So much on your mind when moving home

When you are moving to a new home, the whole process can quickly become very stressful. There are so many things to process, including leaving your current neighborhood and adapting to your new one. Add to that all the legal procedures to be followed when moving your life, as well as your family, to another…

Why does moving seem like it’s such difficult work?

The reason so many people hire a moving company when they move is because it can feel as though you’ve done a week of work just packing your bedroom. There is a reason behind this feeling though, and it is due to the sentimental items that you come across while you’re packing your belongings. When…